Linkedin post: STOs and VC

…here\’s the body of my Linkedin post commentary on Tony Perkins\’ Medium post, \”It’s the end of VC as we know it: The tokenization of private company investment has arrived—and we will all be happier because of it.\”

The tokenization of the VC business: STOs – asset backed cryptocurrency. I\’ve long been watching (and, umm, arguing lol) with the fanboys (so far, it has been only boys) about the viability, long term possibility – and even safety of cryptocurrencies (NB: not blockchain. It\’s a solid technology).

I\’ve even been known to say, \”It\’s like the dutch tulip frenzy of the 1600s, without the tulips.\” And I said it before other more famous people said it lol.

And increasingly, how sad it is that so many startup raised money with ICOs, which are now worth a fraction of the value they were worth at the time, if they were not converted to fiat. STOs might curtail the volatility as they are asset backed; but will this limit the startups that have access to raising money this way? – hearkens back to the olde skool SBA loans, where you could get one – if you had a physical asset to put up as collateral. And while I know you can technically call the company you\’re starting an *asset*, for me that gets into sticky territory, when you\’re still getting it all running and there\’s not much really there yet.

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